Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jon & Kate Plus 8

I know everyone is tired of hearing about it but lets get real. We live in America and we love DRAMA. I myself have watched them from day one and have to say as a mother I am saddened by what I see and what they are going through. And the news hat good ole Jon is traveling it up with his girlfriend, while Kate is at home with the kids being a parent. And I know someone will try to come to his defense saying it was for work. If that was the case leave your little girlfriend at home. I am a little disturbed.Especially being that he fought for so long the accusations that he was not a cheat. But this is my opinion and I am sounding off, Say What?

We all saw it comin' the recklessness of Jon who was a bit of a willy nilly when he and Kate meet and married. Has admittedly said that he was just going through life with no ambition. He created his own reality within his family. He had a whole lot of living to do and it is unfortunate that he couldn't stand up for himself and realize before he became apart of the public eye and a father the type of man that he wanted to be. And cheating honey is not going o make anyone respect him even if the media has made seem like he was a lamb in a lions den. He new what he was getting into so stop playing like you are a victim you love the attention and the perks. They both do, who wouldn't. And know only a short while after the divorce news this man is out with the "girlfriend" traveling the world. And all I have to say to that is the proof is in the pudding. So to all Kate haters. Get it together because the guy is a lye and a cheat. Know what?

And Kate, Oh Kate. Well loves she is a mess. Not in a bad way, really though I love the attitude that she has. Its her life and shes going to live it, and it works for her really well, for the most part. A women with a plan is a women that I respect, I have to admit it. But she went about it all wrong. She expected to much to soon and even though her heart was in it. She sabotaged herself in many ways. She is in it for her kids no matter what people see and here its obvious. Not one time have you herd anything about her doing anything other than being with her kids and working to provide for her kids. Never mind the BS the media tried to play out in regards to the bodyguard and her. None of that nonsense even panned out. So I think her heart is in the right place.

Say What?

Any women knows if you bring a boy home you can't expect to marry him, make him a daddy and expect him to become a man. Many of us make that mistake including myself. Kate is a take charge kind of girl who wants her way and often gets what she wants. She has transformed over the years for the better I think and I dig it. Most of us wish we had the opportunities that she had to better herself and her look. So I say, Do your thing girl. But women have to realize that being controlling is not going to last for to long. Honey child, we women think that it is either control it all or control nothing and men well, that is not what they really need. Men need to think it is there idea,t they are the best at everything and when they are not we should never point it out duh. We have to take a back seat sometimes to there manliness. No I do not live in the 0's but lets be real with ourselves we have to understand that it is a give and take and men are just not that good at taking criticisms from women. And that's my two cents.

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